
Hourglass SDK

The Hourglass SDK provides a set of tools and utilities for interacting with the Hourglass RFQ protocol and Seaport marketplace.

Installation Through Github (using npm)

npm i git+https://github.com/pitch-foundation/hourglass-sdk.git

Project Architecture

Event Providers

The SDK provides a set of utilities for interacting with the Hourglass RFQ Websockets API. The utilities are located in the src/events folder:

  • events.data-provider.ts: Websockets provider for reading data related to the Hourglass RFQ protocol.
  • events.taker-provider.ts: Websockets provider for market taker actions like requesting and accepting a quote.
  • events.maker-provider.ts: Websockets provider for market maker actions like creating and signing quotes.
  • events.constants.ts: Constants for the Hourglass RFQ Websockets API.
  • events.types.ts: Types for the Hourglass RFQ Websockets API.
  • events.utils.ts: Utilities for the Hourglass RFQ Websockets API.

Chain interactions

The SDK provides a set of utilities for interacting with the Ethereum mainnet and Seaport marketplace. The utilities are located in the src/chain folder:

  • src/chain/chain.actions.ts: Utilities for interacting with the Ethereum mainnet.
  • src/chain/chain.state.ts: Utilities for reading the state of the Ethereum mainnet.
  • src/chain/chain.adaptors.ts: Adaptors for usage alongside viem (as the SDK works with ethers under the hood).
  • src/seaport/seaport.utils.ts: Utilities for the Seaport marketplace.
  • src/seaport/seaport.types.ts: Types for the Seaport marketplace.